Inspiration: "Ode to Broken Things" by Pablo Neruda "So many useless things which nobody brokebut which got broken anyway" Throughout our lives, we accumulate so many useless things. So many shitty things that we shove in the back of our closets and forget about. So many things that we try to bury with new experiences but can't. They always resurface. So many, many stupid things. I have tons...
Inspiration: "Skinny Love" by Bon Iver Complacency is a hell of a drug. As human beings, we become complacent with the way things are because it is what we are used to. It is routine. So we decide to settle because sometimes just the slightest change gives us anxiety. We drag along things that are long dead.We do the same things, like clockwork, even though we can't stand them. We continue that...
Inspiration: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway “But man is not made for defeat...A man can be destroyed but not defeated. ” I peeled off an old, rotten, moldy layer this weekend. I peeled off something that died long, long ago but I held onto for some reason. Maybe because it is what I was used to for so long. Maybe it was because I...